Private Pilots License (PPL)
Below is a quick overview of the requirements.
The private pilot’s course is a minimum 45 hours. It is achievable in 45 hours although the average is more like 50 to 55 hours but could take longer. The cost is £218 per hour dual instruction.
There is an annual membership fee of £210, or £120 for six months. There are 9 exams to pass @ £46 and one radio practical exam which currently costs £140. One to one ground school is also available @ £49.50 per hour if required. There are various books and equipment needed for the course available from us here or on line. You will need to pass a Class 2 medical as well.
Weather permitting, flying once a week, this course should take between 12 and 18 months to complete.
The course can be done at your pace and is usually on a “pay as you go” basis.
The basic licence allows you to fly anywhere in the world, in daylight hours, clear of cloud and insight of the ground. There are other ratings you can do which add to your licence, for example a Night rating, which allows you to fly after dark, an IMC rating, which allows you to fly through cloud and above it with instrument approaches etc. Aerobatic rating if you so desire. You can then hour build towards taking your Commercial Pilots Licence and Instrument rating if you wanted to pursue a career in flying, or you could just fly for fun visiting the many airfields in the UK or abroad.
The first step is usually a trial lesson of either 30 or 60 minutes. The time spent on this will add towards your 45 hour requirement. This can be arranged on our website or over the phone.
The start up costs would be: membership, Logbook £10, Checklist £8, Book 1 £25.